MARAC County Hunters Database

724931 Call Lookups since 5/13/2002

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 Call:  KK7X
 First Name:  Dennis
 Last Name:  Hall
 Address:  4518 W. Haney Rd.
 City:  Rathdrum
 State:  ID
 Zip Code:  83858
 Home County:  Kootenai County, ID
 MARAC Expiration Date:  4/30/2026
 Date of Last Record Update:  4/29/2024
 MARAC Number:  R-2373
 Birthday:  November 23
 E Mail Address:

Previous (Other) Calls  N7AWE WD6DBA

Award Date Number
(Convention Year)
 Roadrunner - 475 Counties  5/27/2000  11
 Custodian's  7/13/2002  (No Data)
 Contest - CW: First Place - Idaho - Fixed  7/17/2004  (No Data)
[15624 Points]
 Gemini - Jack Scroggins (W0SJE)  7/20/2012  161
 Service  7/15/2006  (No Data)
 President's  7/17/2004  (No Data)
 Mobile to Mobile  12/1/2010  13
 USA - CW  5/21/2004  75
 BINGO  9/29/1995  98
 Native American Counties  7/20/2012  25
 USA-CA  12/22/1993  826
 Worked all Counties - 2nd Time  6/14/1998  228

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